January 21, 2025

Stereobuzz Music Magazine

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Electric Eels report on David Crosby apology

David Crosby has swallowed his pride and apologized to Neil Young and his partner, Daryl Hannah, over comments he made late last year.
In September of last year, David was interviewed by the Idaho Statesman when the talk turned to the recently announced divorce of Neil and Peggi Young who had been married for almost 37 years. “…and I happen to know that he’s hanging out with somebody that’s a purely poisonous predator now. And that’s karma. He’s gonna get hurt. But I understand why it happened. I’m just sad about it. I’m always sad when I see love get tossed in the gutter.”
While Crosby didn’t mention anyone by name, it was known that Young was with actress Daryl Hannah (Blade Runner, Splash, Steel Magnolias) who had previously been in long term relationships with John F. Kennedy, Jr. and Jackson Browne.
This week, Crosby tried to make things right with Young and Hannah on The Howard Stern Show, saying “I have screwed up massively. Daryl Hannah never wound up in a Texas prison. I’m screwed up way worse than that girl.
“I shot my mouth off when I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have done it and here’s the real reason why: I’ve screwed up massively. Daryl Hannah never wound up in a Texas prison. I’ve screwed up way worse than that girl.
“Where do I get off criticising her? Where do I get off slagging her? She’s making Neil happy and I love Neil and I want him happy. I was completely out of line. I was worried he was going to be taken advantage of but the truth is that’s not really my place to judge. That’s the bottom line. That was judgmental, stupid and careless. I regret it a lot.
“Daryl, if you’re out there, I apologize. Where do I get off criticizing you? There are people I can criticize: politicians, pond scum. Not other artists that have gone through a hard life, same as me. She hasn’t had it easy either.”
